People are the key to the success and growth of the Bonfiglioli Group: a team of highly motivated, competent individuals, continuously working towards achieving our company goals. We recognize the value that each and every employee brings, and we are committed to creating a stimulating environment in which everyone can grow professionally and contribute to Bonfiglioli’s excellence. We offer various initiatives to support the well-being of our employees, from company welfare services to health and safety projects and continuous training programs.
As recognition of its integrated system of targeted initiatives and policies, Bonfiglioli was recently awarded the Top Employer 2025 certification for Italy. This award attests to the excellence of our HR and welfare standards.
We strive to provide an open and inclusive working environment, where everyone feels accepted and valued, and where they can express their opinions without the fear of discrimination or prejudice. That’s why we vigorously oppose all forms of discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion, nationality or any other status.
We deeply value the notion of equal opportunities, and believe that all individuals must be evaluated solely on their professional contribution. We ensure fairness throughout the entire selection and recruitment process, regarding professional opportunities, development and training, and the expression of individual opinions. All our employees benefit from the same contractual conditions, independent of gender or age. We are actively committed to monitoring and reducing the gender pay gab, ensuring that all salaries are a fair reflection of the value of the work performed.
We believe that a company’s growth is intrinsically linked to the growth of the people who are a part of it. That’s why we’re investing more and more into the development of skills through personalized training courses, both in-person and online.
The Bonfiglioli Academy is our e-learning platform, within which there are four independent schools: Bonfiglioli Culture, Leadership Gym, Professional School and Technical Toolbox. Through a wealth of courses and modules, we are able to respond to the training needs of all Group employees, ensuring that they are armed with our core values and equipped with the relevant technical expertise. The Bonfiglioli Academy gives all employees the opportunity to map out their own educational journey completely independently.
The health and safety of our employees is another of our top priorities. But making sure that our facilities and processes are compliant with the applicable regulations isn't enough: we are actively committed to instilling a shared culture focused on safety and accident prevention in the workplace. The majority of our sites have implemented formal safety procedures, and 65% of Group employees currently work at sites that have been awarded ISO 45001 certification. We also have a central HSE team, which is responsible for harmonizing the Group’s health, safety and environment policies, and managing relevant local issues.
We have put together a holistic welfare and well-being strategy based on the needs of all employees, structured into three key pillars: the development of skills, work-life balance, and providing a safer, more supportive work environment.