Governance and Compliance

Every day, our workforce – more than 4,700 employees spread across 23 commercial branches and 18 production plants, together with over 550 distributors – work in line with the same ethical principles of transparency, legality, fairness, responsibility and seriousness. Constituting the essence of the Group’s company culture, these principles are underpinned by appropriate governance tools, such as our Code of Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, Organization and Control Model, Supervisory Board, Anti-Corruption Policy, and Whistleblowing tool.

Group Code of Ethics
Anti-Corruption Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct

Group Code of Ethics: a vision shared with all stakeholders

The Group Code of Ethics encapsulates the core values that have been guiding our activities for almost seventy years. It represents a reference point for employees at each site, and promotes fair, transparent relationships with partners, clients, suppliers and institutions. The Group Code of Ethics is a self-disciplinary document that encapsulates a set of social, moral and environmental values and rules, acting as a safeguard for our corporate integrity, and is testament to Bonfiglioli's commitment to its internal and external stakeholders.

General ethical principles
  • Fairness, transparency, understandability and respect of lawfulness in business management

  • Prohibition of conflicts of interest

  • Respect for diversity

  • Prevention of child labor

Ethical principles in relation to third parties

The Code of Ethics regulates relations with the following categories:

  • Public institutions
  • Mass media
  • Clients and Suppliers
  • Competitors
  • Partnerships
  • Political parties
Ethical principles in relation to staff

The Code of Ethics deals with internal practices
and activities, such as:

  • Impartiality in the management of human resources
  • Safeguarding health, safety and the work environment
  • Ban on consuming alcohol and drugs at work
  • Environmental protection
Ethical principles in corporate governance
  • Privacy and data protection
  • Accounting and corporate information
  • Tax compliance
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Relations with stakeholders
  • Protection of corporate and company assets
  • Industrial and intellectual property

Organization, Management and Control Model

The Bonfiglioli Group has adopted an Organization, Management and Control Model, in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 231/2001, for the purpose of identifying and mapping out the company areas and processes with the highest risk of crime, as specifically defined by the regulation: offenses against public authorities, bribery between individuals, tax crimes. This structured system of policies and audits was introduced to ensure maximum transparency in our relationships with all stakeholders. The Model outlines a series of preventive measures to protect the integrity of the organization, providing a comprehensive, transparent picture of all activities and the associated risks.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board keeps a close eye on ensuring that the Organizational Model, including the Group Code of Ethics, is effectively and efficiently implemented. The Supervisory Board, appointed by the organization, is fully autonomous and independent, and reports directly to the Board of Directors.

Anti-Corruption Policy

We introduced an Anti-Corruption Policy to reinforce the principles of legality and transparency in the management of all Group activities. This policy establishes a series of rules for preventing and combating corruption, with which all stakeholders must comply, to ensure fairness in all business dealings with public and private third parties. Drawn up with the purpose of protecting our corporate integrity, the policy is based on ethical values and principles of responsibility and seriousness.

Supplier Code of Conduct

In order to promote sustainable business practices across the whole supply chain, we made the decision to adopt a Supplier Code of Conduct. This document outlines the ethical principles and rules of conduct, alongside the applicable legal provisions, with which all Group suppliers and partners must adhere.

Integrity Line: Whistleblowing channel

As a demonstration of our commitment to countering unlawful conduct, we have implemented an internal channel through which all employees can report any regulatory violations. Via the multilingual Integrity Line, which must be used in accordance with the Whistleblowing Guidelines, employees and contractors can easily and accurately report any behavior that they deem improper, based on well-founded observations. The Integrity Line guarantees confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity.

Go to Integrity Line

Our documents

The guiding documents behind our actions are: Group Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Policy, 231 Model and Supplier Code of Conduct. All documents can be downloaded below.

System Certifications

The Bonfiglioli Quality Management System ensures compliance with the relevant ethical principles and quality standards, supporting the continuous improvement of our products. In order to reinforce our commitment to providing solutions that satisfy the demands of our customers and regulatory requirements, we have implemented various initiatives. Thanks to these, the Bonfiglioli management systems have been awarded the following certifications: ISO 9001:2015 (quality management system) at Group level, ISO 14001:2015 (environmental management systems) and ISO 45001:2018 (health and safety at work management systems). Furthermore, in 2022, the ISO 50001:2018 certification (energy management system) previously awarded to our Forlì plant was extended to the EVO plant as well.

Go to certifications