A better future for young people

MUS-E Musique Europe

We support MUS-E Musique Europe, a multicultural European project dedicated to helping children discover themselves and others through the use of artistic disciplines. Present in 20 cities across Italy, MUS-E gives participating primary schools the resources to welcome children from foreign countries or deprived backgrounds, affected by economic, cultural and social vulnerability. The initiative employs the language of creative arts as a tool to counteract the phenomenon of educational poverty and foster growth that would otherwise never be given the opportunity to flourish.


Our involvement in India dates back to 2009 with the inception of CheerFutureLand: a project that led to the construction of the Boys Home near our Chennai site. In 2018, the project reached a new milestone with the creation of the Girls Home. Through this initiative, we provide orphaned and disadvantaged children with a safe and comfortable home environment, where they also receive a solid education and develop vocational skills.

More than just residences, the two houses also offer large gardens, a playground and spaces dedicated to recreational, sports and extracurricular activities. Training is an integral part of everyday life, with courses on a variety of disciplines that prepare young people for the working world.

School in Ho Chi Minh City

Since 2001, we have been supporting the school in Ho Chi Minh City, which provides free education to young students facing severe economic and social hardship. In collaboration with local universities, the school has developed a volunteer program that enables students to get involved with a range of educational activities. The initiatives we have rolled out complement this pedagogical dimension, organizing regular visits from a psychologist to help children develop their communication skills, and bringing in a vet to show them how to care for animals.